Welcoming Young Women to Cub Scouts

As you know, the National Executive Board of the Boy Scouts of America recently made a unanimous decision to welcome girls to our iconic programs, based on feedback from the Scouting community and an understanding that the character and leadership qualities our programs develop, grounded in the Scout Oath and Law, are as relevant and helpful for girls as they have been for boys.

It is important to note that the BSA did not decide to make the Cub Scouting and Boy Scout programs co-ed.  Instead, the organization has introduced a unique model that builds on the benefits of a single-gender program while also providing character and leadership opportunities for both boys and girls.  Starting in 2018, we invite our chartered partner organizations to choose if they’d like to establish a new pack for girls, establish a family pack that consists of girl dens and boy dens or remain an all-boy pack.

Click here to learn about General Information Sessions that are being held about Family Scouting

Early Adopter Packs

Although our programs will officially launch to welcome both boys and girls in Cub Scouting for the upcoming program year (starting in August 2018), the New Birth of Freedom Council Executive Board has recently approved the Council’s participation in a “soft launch” for early adopters that will allow eligible packs to officially register girls in grades K-4 from now through March 15, 2018.  The requirements for packs to participate in the early adopter program are:

  • Pack must have successfully completed their recharter at the end of 2017.
  • Pack Committee and chartered partner must agree to participate as a family pack, which is defined as a pack with both boy-dens and girl-dens.
  • Pack must agree to use online registration. There will be no paper applications accepted.
  • Pack must have all of its leaders trained for their position.
  • Pack must agree to help each new Scout complete their RANK requirement by May 31, 2018 or by the end of the school year. Each Pack will need to develop a plan to make sure that this is accomplished in the modified window of time.
  • Pack must register a minimum of 4 girls into an existing pack in an all-girl den.*
  • Pack must use the current Cub Scout program and resources.
  • Pack must uphold membership polices and follow the guidelines in the Unit Performance Guide.
  • Pack must provide data and statistics on their activities to the National Council.
  • Packs are encouraged to participate in Pack overnights, Family Camping, Day Camp, and Resident Camp

* Ideally, a pack will create an all-girl den for each age group.  It is understood that in some cases this may not be possible and that all-girl dens may have girls from different age groups. The requirement to complete the age-appropriate rank by the end of the school year still applies.

Early Adopter Application

If your pack is interested in offering Cub Scouting opportunities for young women as part of the Early Adopter program, please review, complete and return the enrollment form (fillable PDF form).  Please fill in the blanks on you computer or device and print for required signatures.  

Family Scouting Resources

More Information

A video detailing the Spring Early Adopters option is available at https://vimeo.com/249824630. Access it with code F@mily4UnitLeaders. 

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