Youth Protection Training Deadline Is October 1

Keeping our youth safe is paramount in the Scouting program.  Youth Protection Training is vital in being able to provide safe, fun, and memorable Scouting experiences.  For anyone that has not yet completed the new Youth Protection Training, your training is set to expire on October 1.  There have been some communications from National to those individuals set to expire and we want to clarify some of the information that is out there.

  • Those who have not taken the new training by October 1 WILL NOT be removed from their position or have their membership revoked on October 1.
  • Those who have not taken the new training by RECHARTER WILL NOT be able to renew with the unit until the training is complete
  • Training was released in February 2018 and is available 24/7 at
  • All new leaders must complete Youth Protection Training before they can be registered
  • Unit Chartered Organization Representatives, Committee Chairs, and Key Leaders (Unit Key 3) can access a complete list of who has training in your unit and who is about to expire.

There is currently a large number of unit leaders who still have not completed the new Youth Protection Training.  Please take a moment to make sure both you and your unit are up-to-date with this essential training.

If you still need to take your training, follow the instructions in this PDF.

If you have any questions, please contact your District Executive or Chris Styers, Assistant Scout Executive at or (717) 854-7942.

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