William McQuade Elected Council President

Newly-elected Council President Bill McQuade (right) presents outgoing President Dr. Kevin Mosser with a special clock in recognition of Dr. Mosser’s three years of service as our President.

At the New Birth of Freedom Council’s Annual Business meeting on Tuesday, May 21, William F. McQuade was elected as Council President, succeeding Dr. Kevin H. Mosser in that role.

In his professional life, Bill recently accepted a new position as Vice President Sector Service for the Air-Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration Institute (AHRI), based in Arlington, VA.  Previously, Bill worked at Johnson Controls/York International Corporation since 1993 in several different managerial roles.  Bill is a graduate of Penn State University (BSME – 1991, MBA – 1998) and serves on the board of directors for several industry associations, including the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, the Alliance for Responsible Atmospheric Policy and the Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute.

Prior to becoming Council President, Bill had been serving as Vice President – Administration as a member of the Council’s Executive Board (since 2017) and he also brings considerable experience as a unit leader with him to his new role. Bill is currently an Assistant Scoutmaster in Troop 51 in Camp Hill, PA (since 2014) and is a recipient of the Tiger Cub Den Leader Award, Den Leader Award, Webelos Den Leader Award, Cub Scouter Award and he has completed Wood Badge training. 

We’re looking forward to accomplishing great things in the New Birth of Freedom Council during Bill’s tenure as President, while at the same time, we are deeply appreciative of Dr. Mosser’s leadership since May 2016 as President, including recognition as a Gold Level Council in Scouting’s Journey to Excellence program for 2018.

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