Scouting at Home Hub

Welcome to the New Birth of Freedom Council’s “Hub” for sharing information to our Scouting family as we continue to adapt to delivering Scouting’s programs in safe, fun, and inventive ways.  We hope that you will find this information helpful and invite you to share it with other Scouts, Scouting families, and anyone looking for adventures from home.  We also invite you to share with us any ideas that you have that we can share!

Stay connected with our daily updates by following us on Facebook!

A Letter to Our Scouting Family A letter to all of our Scouting families from our Council leadership.
#Scoutingcares Service Project Join the New Birth of Freedom Council in this great service to those heroes in our communities.
#Scoutingathome Web Series Check out this daily web series on fun Scouting activities that you can do from home!
Going the Distance Scouting Academy Our Scouting Academy is a great resource for Online Merit Badges and support items for your online programs.
New Scout Shop Hours Please read this update about the New Scout Shop hours.
Council-wide April Roundtable This link contains links to questions from the April 2021 Roundtable.
Council-wide March Roundtable This link contains links to questions from the March 2021 Roundtable.
Council-wide February Roundtable This link contains links to questions from the February 2021 Roundtable.
Council-wide January Roundtable This link contains links to questions from the January 2021 Roundtable.
Council-wide December Roundtable This link contains links to questions from the December 2020 Roundtable.
Council-wide November Roundtable This link contains links to questions from the November 2020 Roundtable.
Council-wide October Roundtable This link contains links to questions from the October 2020 Roundtable.
Council-wide September Roundtable This link contains links to questions from the September 2020 Roundtable.
Council-wide August Roundtable This link contains links to questions from the August 2020 Roundtable.
Council-wide July Roundtable This link contains links to questions from the July 2020 Roundtable.
Council-wide June Roundtable This link contains links to questions from the June 2020 Roundtable.
Council-wide May Roundtable This link contains links to questions from the May 2020 Roundtable.
Council-wide April Roundtable This link contains links to questions from the April 2020 Roundtable.
COVID-19 PA Green Guidelines Use this link to make sure that your unit is following all of the appropriate steps to have safe unit meetings and activities.
COVID-19 NBOF Council Camping Guidelines Use this link to make sure that your unit is following all of the appropriate steps to have safe Scouting adventures at our camps.
“Green” does not mean “Normal” COVID-19 still continues to impact our local Scouting programs.
Cyber Chip Award Program The Cyber Chip Program is designed for Scouts of all ages.  It is great for helping youth learn how to be safe online.
April Safety Moment – Digital Safety New Digital Safety and Online Scouting Activity Guidelines.
2020: The Digital Pilgrimage Check out this awesome program from the Abraham Lincoln Council, BSA
Emergency Preparedness Award This award encourages Scouts to be prepared, productive, and self-reliant in their communities.
Jamboree on the Internet April 3-5, this Special Edition of JOTA/JOTI will connect Scouts from all over the globe with exciting experiences.
25 Projects You can do with Stuff Around the House From Boys’ Life magazine, a great list of projects that you can do with things you find around the house!
More Fun Projects you can do at Home From Bryan on Scouting, Good Turns you can do from home.
Good Turns from Home From Bryan on Scouting, a list of more activities that you can do from home.
Bryan on Scouting Bryan’s Blog has a ton of great stories, resources, and activities.
Scouting Magazine Scouting Magazine’s online page has a ton of great resources for leaders and parents.
Boys’ Life BAM Newsletter Sign up for this great newsletter from Boys’ Life Magazine!
Boys’ Life Yearlong Subscription Read a year’s worth of Boys’ Life Magazine when you download the app.
National BSA – Scouting at Home Page Check out the National Council’s resources for Scouting at Home.
Support for Coping with COVID-19 Experts provide support for coping with COVID-19.
Helping Scouting Recover Learn how you can help Scouting recover from COVID-19 crisis.

30 Day Cub Scout Challenge This awesome challenge has a different activity for Scouts to do every day!
Cub Scout Advancement National has provided some guidance on how Scouts can continue to work on advancement while at home.
National Cub Scout Resources There are a ton of great resources for Cub Scouts and their families.

Merit Badges that can be done from Home From Bryan on Scouting, here are 58 Merit Badges that you can do and maintain social distancing.
30 Day Scouts BSA Challenges From the Hawkeye Area Council is the 30 Day challenge designed for Scouts BSA.
Scouts BSA Advancement National has provided some guidance on how Scouts can continue to work on advancement while at home.
My Eagle Hub This resource is designed specifically to help Life Scouts and Eagle Scout candidates through the Eagle process.
Eagle Specific Questions This information provides answers to questions specifically about Eagle Scout Extensions.
Going the Distance Scouting Academy Our Scouting Academy is a great resource for Online Merit Badges and support items for your online programs.
Order of the Arrow Camping Requirements The National Lodge of the Order of the Arrow has announced changes in the Camping Requirements.

30 Day Venturing Challenge Check out this great 30-day Venturing challenge.  #VenturingatHome!  
Venturing Advancement National has provided some guidance on how Venturers can continue to work on advancement while at home.
Summit Award Specific Questions This information provides answers to questions specifically about Summit Awards and Eagle Scout Extensions.
Order of the Arrow Camping Requirements The National Lodge of the Order of the Arrow has announced changes in the Camping Requirements.

STEM Scouts YouTube Channel Check out all of these great videos on the STEM Scouts YouTube Channel.
STEM Scouts of Central Texas Here is another great resource for STEM experiments that can be done at home!
30 Day STEM Scouts Challenge Whether you are a STEM Scout or not, these fun STEM activities can be for you! This is a great program from the Samoset Council.
Other STEM Activities STEM resources from the National Capital Area Council.
STEM Activities for Younger Kids The Greater St. Louis Area Council has developed some great resources for Cub Scout-age youth.

Conducting Virtual Meetings Have you considered running a virtual Scout meeting?  This resource helps you to get started.
2020-2021 Digital Council Calendar Make sure you keep up with all of the activities and events planned in 2020 and 2021.
National Den Leader Videos This is a great resource for unit leaders that are planning meetings in-person and virtually.
Safety Moment Videos There are lots of ways to keep our Scouts safe and these monthly safety videos are great to use with your unit meeting.
S.A.F.E Guidelines Check out these guidelines for in-person Scouting meetings.
Advancement National has provided some guidance on how Scouts can continue to work on advancement while at home.
Virtual Boards of Review From Bryan on Scouting comes a great resource for conducting boards of review through videoconferencing.  
COVID-19 PA Green Guidelines Use this link to make sure that your unit is following all of the appropriate steps to have safe unit meetings and activities.
COVID-19 NBOF Council Camping Guidelines Use this link to make sure that your unit is following all of the appropriate steps to have safe Scouting adventures at our camps.
“Green” does not mean “Normal” COVID-19 still continues to impact our local Scouting programs.
Using Scoutbook Scoutbook is a key tool to help keep track of advancements that Scouts are doing from home.
Going the Distance Scouting Academy Our Scouting Academy is a great resource for Online Merit Badges and support items for your online programs.
Order of the Arrow Camping Requirements The National Lodge of the Order of the Arrow has announced changes in the Camping Requirements.
Background Checks Update If your background checks are expiring this year, now may be a great time to get your PSP and DHS checks.
Journey to Excellence The National Council has provided guidance on the Journey to Excellence Program for 2020. 
Training Are you current on your position specific training?  How about some of the great supplemental training?
Support for Coping with COVID-19 Experts provide support for coping with COVID-19.
Helping Scouting Recover Learn how you can help Scouting recover from COVID-19 crisis.

BSA Social Media Guidelines These social media guidelines are great for Scouts to follow when interacting in virtual environments.
National Policy on Coronavirus The National Council provided guidance on how units should respond to the coronavirus.
National COVID-19 FAQs The National Council has provided an FAQ sheet for units and councils.  The current version was updated 4/13/20.
New Birth of Freedom Actions Find out what steps the New Birth of Freedom Council has taken in response to the Coronavirus.
Going the Distance Scouting Academy Our Scouting Academy is a great resource for Online Merit Badges and support items for your online programs.
Order of the Arrow Camping Requirements The National Lodge of the Order of the Arrow has announced changes in the Camping Requirements.

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Let’s Celebrate! The New Birth of Freedom Council would like to invite you to our …