Program Launch Postponed

The 2020 Program Launch that is scheduled for June 3 at Camp Tuckahoe has been postponed. We know that many of you look forward to this event and it is a key event in helping your unit conduct planning for the year.  As the commonwealth moves toward reopening, the current information suggests that we will not be permitted to host such a large group of Scouters and maintain social distancing requirements on June 3. We will reschedule Program Launch as soon as we have better clarity concerning federal, state, and local policies regarding gatherings of large groups of people.
Additionally, we want to provide the best experience possible for everyone that attends our event. There is a lot of preparation work that goes into Program Launch that includes recruiting outside vendors.  Many of our vendors are facing the same restrictions that we are working through making it prohibitive for them to participate in an event on June 3.
As soon as we have more details about the rescheduled date, we will share the information with all of our Scouting units. Please watch the council website and social media pages for updated information.

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