Experts Provide Support for Coping with COVID-19

We’re a few months into coping with the COVID-19 pandemic — though it probably feels like so much longer.

Your Scouts’ summer adventures might have been canceled; you might feel frustrated navigating life at home or going out in public; you might be examining your and your family’s mental health like never before.

The Boy Scouts of America reached out to several experts to provide some insights and awareness on how to deal with these challenging times. They are:

Keep in mind that their advice should not be used to diagnose health conditions. Reach out to a professional health provider to address specific concerns you may have.

Still, these eight videos can provide some helpful information for parenting through the COVID-19 crisis. Check out those resources and feel free to share with fellow parents.

For help with continuing Scouting at home, see this page and these FAQs.

This article was originally posted on the “Bryan on Scouting” blog on August 11, 2020

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