November 2020 Council-Wide Roundtable Follow Up

Thank you to everyone that joined us for the November 2020 Council-wide Roundtable.  We had a great meeting and we hope that all of the participants were able to get a lot of good information on how to KEEP SCOUTING and to do so safely.

We shared that during the presentation we would share both the slide deck and the recording from the meeting.  A list of additional resources is below.

Updated 12/17/2020

November Roundtable Recording

November Roundtable Slidedeck


  • Save the Date for the Great Rendezvous September 24-26, 2021 at Hidden Valley Scout Reservation.  If you are interested in providing some feedback and be part of the planning please complete this short survey here.
  • Information about the 2021 Wood Badge course can be found here.
  • Information about the 2021 NYLT course can be found here.  
  • There have been changes to the 2021 Klondike Derbies.  Klondikes will now be day events only.  Heritage Trails and Battlefield Klondike Derbies will not be held at Camp Tuckahoe.  Please visit the District website or follow the district newsletter for updates on this year’s events.
  • Make sure you don’t miss any upcoming events by downloading the 2020-21 Council Calendar here.  

Updates on Camp Tuckahoe

  • To see the presentation on the trees and temporary closure of Camp Tuckahoe please follow this link.  Stay tuned for continued updates on progress through the council website.

Key Scouting Resources

Scouting for Food

Popcorn and Nuts

  • Payment extension to December 21


  • Cabin capacity changes with COVID-19 mitigation efforts.  
  • View detail information and guide on Unit Camping here.  
  • Get more information and sign up for the 2021 Cub and Webelos Camping Opportunities here.
  • Get more information and sign up for the 2021 Scouts BSA Summer Programs here.
  • Find out more about being a volunteer commissioner at summer camp here.
  • Join our 2021 Summer Camp Staff by applying here.


Recharter Information

  • System is open
  • Turn charters in by November 23
  • Units will receive any information on defectives by December 11
  • Charters must be complete by December 31
  • Resources that are helpful to the recharter process are all available here
  • Information on Background Checks and Youth Protection
  • Information on Training
    • The following positions need to be fully trained:
      • Cubmasters
      • Lion Leader
      • Tiger Den Leaders
      • Den Leaders
      • Assistant Den Leaders (all programs)
      • Webelos Den Leaders
      • Pack Committee Chairs
      • Scoutmasters
      • Troop Committee Chairs
  • Merit Badge Counselors and NOVA/SuperNOVA Counselors need to follow the link in their renewal email by January 15, 2021.  If you did not get a renewal message contact Cory Kercher at

Questions and Answers from Roundtable


Q: Where can I find the most up-to-date details on COVID-19 guidelines.

A: All of our updates are published here.  

Q: Will there be any more Virtual Merit Badge Classes offered?

A: At this point, we are not planning to do so, but that may change in the future.  Many counselors are willing to work with Scouts in a virtual environment.  Scouts are encouraged to connect with merit badge counselors to check availability for virtual instruction.  

Q: Can we use door hangers from prior years for this year’s Scouting for Food?

A: No, this year’s door hangers are different.  Please pick up new door hangers.

Q: How do we get help with account issues in Scoutbook?

A: We highly recommend that you use the “Help” section of Scoutbook and also the “Forum”.  For assistance you can contact Tom Steckbeck at or Cory Kercher at  

National Youth Leadership Training

Q: Where will National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT) be held?

A:  Hidden Valley Scout Reservation

Q: Will youth that applied for and were accepted to the 2020 NYLT course have to reapply for the 2021 course?

A: Yes.  Registration is on a first come, first serve basis.  

Klondike Derbies

Q: Can units still tent camp for the weekend during Klondike?

A: Please check the specific information about your District’s Klondike Derby.  Some events are still allowing camping.  We are also very carefully watching the governor’s mitigation orders and will make sure that arrangements comply.  Your district website and newsletters are the best ways to make sure you have the most current information.

Q: Will Conococheague still offer a Cub Scout Klondike?

A: At this time, Conococheague is still planning to offer a Cub Scout Klondike.


Q: Will Wilderness First Aid still be held at Camp Tuckahoe in March if the Camp is still closed?

A: We still plan on holding the course, but the location may change.  Please, check the council website for updates and announcements.

Q: How are the capacities set for cabins at Hidden Valley following the most recent COVID-19 mitigation orders.

A: The numbers that we use follow fire code and are very close to the max capacities set by Labor and Industry Codes.

Q: When is the next chainsaw training course?

A: The next course is scheduled for March 20 at Hidden Valley but we will be adding additional courses.  Please visit the council webpage for additional listings.

Q: Will Tuckahoe be open in time for summer camp?

A: That is our goal and chances are good.  We are hoping for a mild winter to get all the work done.  Please, check back on the council webpage and our social media pages as we post updates.

Q: Will the ATV program be at Hidden Valley in 2021?

A: At this point, we are not planning the ATV program for 2021.  We are looking at other new programs that we may be able to add.

Q: Our troop pays Order of the Arrow dues at the same time as recharter.  How do I get information on what we owe and how to complete OA registration renewal?

A: You can always go to the Lodge website , under the membership tab download the membership registration renewal form. The lodge will also be sending reminder to all the OA members on how to renew and pay your lodge dues for 2021.

Recruitment and Recharter

Q: What is the drop dead date to get a new Scout on your roster prior to recharter?

A: You can add a new Scout at any time up until the time that the charter is posted.  If the charter is posted, the Scout will be added for 2021 and not 2020.

Q: Do clearances expire?

A:  Yes.  Clearances are good for 60 months and then they have to be renewed.  

Q: Why do fingerprints need to be repeated every 60 months?

A: If a person has met the 10 year residency threshold, they no longer need to submit the fingerprint check and can just submit the waiver.  If they continue to reside outside of PA or have not yet met the residency threshold, they will need to get a new check.  This is part of the PA mandate and not a separate New Birth of Freedom Council requirement.

Q: Where can I find the FBI waiver?

A: Here is the link you can copy paste into your web browser.








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