Roundtables Announced for January and February

In doing our part to help with COVID-19 mitigation efforts, we are planning that the January and February Roundtables will continue to be virtual.  Thank you to everyone that has contributed to or participated in Roundtable in 2020.  We look forward to continuing to provide the best content possible in 2021 with the hopes that as vaccines are distributed to more and more people, we will be able to see each other in-person again in 2021!

Follow the Links below to register

Why was the decision made to move away from in-person roundtables?

We don’t intend for this decision to be permanent.  We understand the value of in-person roundtables for all of those that participate and we know that the virtual experience cannot completely replicate what we are able to do in-person.  The Council Commissioner Cabinet wanted to make a decision that would help unit leaders and district volunteers to best prepare for upcoming roundtables.  It was decided that moving away from a month-to-month decision would make it easier for unit leaders to plan to attend and to help direct the content of the roundtable meetings.

The decision to remain virtual was made based off the current Department of Health guidelines for gatherings and meetings.  Providing a virtual program allows us to work around all of these restrictions and get important information to our unit leaders.  

Who can attend the Virtual Roundtable?

Any unit leader, committee member, or parent from the unit can attend roundtable. 

Do I need to register to participate?  If so, how?

Yes, you do need to register to participate in Virtual Roundtable.  In following best practices for online meetings you must register for the meeting to receive the credentials to attend.  This helps to prevent individuals that would seek to disrupt our program from having easy access to our meeting.  Roundtable is also hosted as a “webinar” and not a standard meeting.  Participants can engage with our panelists and presenters through our chat and Question and Answer feature but participant screens and audio are not shared with the rest of the roundtable.  

Invites to register for roundtable are distributed through the New Birth of Freedom Council email channels.  To make sure that you receive an invite to register, please register to receive the council and/or district newsletter.  You can choose to subscribe to the council newsletter or any of our other newsletters by going here.  

To participate, you will have to have a Zoom account or sign up for a FREE one.  It is easy to sign up for and again this process follows best practices.  

Will the Virtual Roundtable be recorded?

Yes, the meeting will be recorded.  The information shared will be emailed out to participants after the meeting and all of the Questions and Answers asked will be posted online in The Hub.  Information from all of our previous roundtables are posted there.


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