January 2021 Council-Wide Roundtable Follow Up

Thank you to everyone that joined us for the January 2021 Council-wide Roundtable.  We had a great meeting and we hope that all of the participants were able to get a lot of good information on how to KEEP SCOUTING and to do so safely.

We shared that during the presentation we would share both the slide deck and the recording from the meeting.  A list of additional resources is below.

Updated 1/27/2021

January Roundtable Recording

January Roundtable Slidedeck


  • Next Roundtable is Thursday, February 4 at 7pm – Register Here
  • Recordings and notes from previous Roundtables are available on The Hub
  • Congratulations to Top Selling Popcorn and Nuts Units
    • Battlefield – Troop 1863 – $8,014
    • Conococheague – Pack 73 – $3,088
    • Heritage Trails – Pack 54 – $31,204
    • Keystone Capital – Troop 368 – $4,429
    • Pioneer – Pack 190 – $24,346
  • Congratulations to Top Selling Scouts
    • Mason A. – Pack 190 – $4,115
    • Amanda R. – Troop 1863 – $3,944
    • Dylan G. – Pack 54 – $3,152
    • Keira F. – Pack 190 – $3,075
    • Mya G. – Pack 54 – $3,022
  • National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT) Registration is open – Register here.
  • Instructions for printing Membership Cards and Charter Certificates for 2021 can be found here.
  • Mark calendars for this year’s leader training courses. Register here.
    • Introduction to Outdoor Leadership Skills (IOLS) for Scoutmasters and Assistant Scoutmasters- April 9-10 and April 30-May 1
    • Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation (BALOO) for Cub Scout Leaders – April 23-24 and May 14-15
  • February Roundtable will include launch of our Spring Membership Recruitment Campaign
  • Make sure you don’t miss any upcoming events by downloading the 2020-21 Council Calendar here.  

Program Fee Study Committee

  • 20 Scouting volunteers have been invited to participate (1 district volunteer and 2 unit volunteers from each district)
  • Chair – Randy Cline
  • Vice Chair – Shawn Leppo
  • First meeting 1/13/21

COVID-19 Updates

  • Most current updates are available here.
  • Current mitigation orders include: 10% of maximum capacities for indoor facilities; 15% of maximum capacities for outdoor facilities; masks must be work by everyone regardless of ability to social distance
  • Service Centers are maintaining reduced in-person hours: M-F 8:30am to 12:30pm
  • Scout Shops hours will continue to follow their own schedule
  • Klondike Derbies will happen and will follow current COVID guidelines

Good Turn for America – Council-Wide Blood Drive

  • Blood Drives can be schedule from April through July in partnership with Central Penn Blood Bank
  • Register your Blood Drive here.
  • Report the results of your Blood Drive here.  

Order of the Arrow

  • Elections will run from January to March
  • Elections will be virtual through Zoom
  • If your unit does not have any youth eligible, please notify your chapter advisor

Advancement Updates

  • Effective Jan. 1 COVID time extensions are being replaced by a new extension process for Eagle, Quartermaster, or Summit requirements. Find more details here. 
  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Merit Badge has been delayed.  
  • Merit Badge/STEM/NOVA Counselor Renewal – Make sure to complete registration!
  • Sign up here for the “Be the Change” to celebrate the Inaugural Class of Eagle Scouts
  • Scouts should upload information to national here.

Merit Badge College Updates

  • STEM Merit Badge College – January 16 and February 6 – 100% Virtual
  • Newville Merit Badge College Postponed to Spring
  • Troop 168 Merit Badge College Rescheduled for May 22 and June 12

Cub Scout Adventure Camp

  • Get the latest information on this year’s Adventure Camps here.
  • Check out our promo video here


  • Join Project Hercules at Camp Tuckahoe at our monthly Service Days here.
  • Attend Chainsaw Basic Certification here
  • Join our Summer Camp Staff and Commissioner/Volunteer Program here.  
  • Summer Camp 2021
    • Get more information and sign up for the 2021 Cub and Webelos Camping Opportunities here.
    • Get more information and sign up for the 2021 Scouts BSA Summer Programs here.  
  • Philmont 2021 and 2022
    • Find out how to sign up here.  
  • Upcoming Trainings
    • Adult CPR/AED Certification Training – March 6, 2021 – Register here.
    • Wilderness and Remote First Aid – March 20 and 21 – Register here
    • Certified Fishing Skills Instructor Course – March 3 – Register here.

Unit Highlight

  • Crew 2010 put together a great video on Accessibility in Scouting Programs – View it here.


Questions and Answers from Roundtable


Q: Why can’t Wood Badge be offered during Summer Camp?

A: Wood Badge is a time-intensive course that requires the full attention of participants during the course. It would be impossible for a unit leader attending camp with their unit and give appropriate attention to that role and also attend Wood Badge.

Q: During Wood Badge, can we take a break from 9:00-9:45 on Sunday to teach virtual Sunday school?

A:Wood Badge has a very detailed and packed schedule-almost the entire time is scheduled to pack all of the instruction in. If you have specific questions about other commitments or obligations, it is best to reach out to our Wood Badge staff advisor – Roger Chatell or our course director Barb Geise.

Q: Are there Scoutbook training courses?

A: There are tutorials within Scoutbook via the HELP site. There are videos that walk you through all elements of the process. From the dashboard within Scoutbook, drop down to the HELP and it will take you to the Scoutbook Help section.  You can also find useful materials here.  Finally, you can view the training that was recorded at our Virtual Program Launch here.

Camp and Camping

Q: For Tuckahoe Service days, can units rent a cabin at Tuckahoe to make it a campout?

A: Tuckahoe is closed for camping at this time until the tree issues are resolved, so unfortunately not. Additionally, even if they were available, state COVID requirements would limit use to 10% of capacity. So a cabin that normally holds 40 could only be rented for use by 4 people.

Q: How do you sign up for a Camp Tuckahoe Service Day?

A: You can find the list of Service Days and sign up here.

Q: Can adults volunteer for only 1 day of Cub Scout Adventure Camp?

A: Yes, adults may volunteer for 1 day, multiple days, or all five.  The incentive for volunteering for all five days is that the adult can bing their Cub Scout-age child along.

Q: Is the council offering camper ship applications again this year for summer camp and Cub Scout Adventure Camps?

A: Yes, campership applications are coming soon.

Program Fee Committee

Q: Will the names of the members of the program fee committee be made public?

A: Yes, after the first meeting we intend to share the names of our members.


Q: Is there any consideration for making office hours 12:30-4:30pm at least some days?  

A: We’re keeping an eye on on how things are going COVID-wise and state mitigation guidelines, so we’ll modify hours as soon as we can. There has been very little foot trafific in the buildings, even when we were open until 4:30 Pm. If there’s an urgent need, please contact your District Executive.


Q: Heritage Trails sent out this notice in newsletter today: “Due to various circumstances, and a concern for the heath and safety of staff and participants, we have decided to push the Heritage Trails Klondike event to later in the season. At this time we plan to combine it with a district Spring Camporee in April. More information will come out as it becomes available.”

A: That is correct. Heritage Trails chose to approach Klondike this way to make sure that there is sufficient staff and the ability to provide a quality program. There is also hope that this gives some additional options for locations for holding the event.  You are welcome to register with any of the other districts that were advertised during the roundtable presentation.

Q: Is there camping as part of the Klondike Derbies?

A: No, Klondike Derbies are day events only and there is not camping as part of the Klondike Derby.


Q: Where can I find details on the new 3 Test Criteria for Eagle, Summit, and Quartermaster Awards extensions?

A: The 3 Test Criteria is in the Guide to Advancement and on the Council website.

Q: Is there an updated Eagle Scout Workbook?

A: Yes, it is available here.

Q: Are there Merit Badge Counselors for the new Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Merit Badge?

A: No.  The badge is not available yet, so counselors cannot register yet.



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