A New Opportunity to Fund Eagle Scout Service Projects

Through the generosity of the Adams County Community Foundation’s Shirley Smith Youth Service Fund, prospective Eagle Scouts now have a new potential source of funding for their Eagle Scout Service Projects.

Eagle Scout candidates from anywhere in the New Birth of Freedom Council can apply for up to 75% of the cost to do their Eagle Scout service project.  When submitting their grant application, prospective Eagle Scouts must secure the first 25% of the project costs through other funding sources as outlined in the NBOF and BSA Eagle Project Fundraising Policies, which can be found here: https://archive.newbirthoffreedom.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/NBOF-Eagle-Project-Fundraising-Policies.pdf.

Grant applications are reviewed quarterly, and there are specific deadlines.  The Shirley Smith Youth Service Fund is a competitive grant process open to other youth programs, and there are limited funds available.  Eagle Scout candidates can locate additional information regarding this opportunity and the grant application on the Adams County Community Foundation’s website at https://www.adamscountycf.org/shirley-smith-youth-service-grant/.

Please note that the Adams County Community Foundation cannot make grants to individuals.  The Community Foundation can make grants to the prospective Eagle Scout’s troop or the organization benefitting from the service project.  The Eagle Scout candidate, on behalf of their troop or project beneficiary, must submit an accounting on how the dollars were spent (receipts, etc.) to the Community Foundation upon completion of the project.

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