Carlisle Merit Badge College Sign-Ups Open December 17 at 9 AM

Troop 168 will host its 20th Annual Merit Badge College on March 11 and April 1, 2023.  Past colleges have been well received, with Scouts attending from eight councils covering five states. 
Registration will open on December 17, 2022, at 9 AM, and classes fill up quickly. Before registering, please read all the event details at and clear your choices with your unit leader. Registration will close when classes are full (usually within two days).
The Scout will receive a confirmation email with their schedule immediately after checking out. A copy of this registration is received by the email simultaneously. Any errors or cancellations will be addressed by the New Birth of Freedom Council. 
You must attend both days; your class schedule will be the same each Saturday.  We have seen a large and growing number of no-shows with zero contact with the event.  If your schedule doesn’t allow you to attend both Saturdays, please don’t sign up, as you take a valuable spot away from other Scouts, particularly for badges with smaller availability.

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