Celebrating Our 2023 Silver Beaver Honorees

The New Birth of Freedom Council recognized Justin Eberly, Marc Lee, Michael Sargent, David Stark, and Julie Steckbeck with the Silver Beaver Award on Saturday, May 6 at the Annual Volunteer Recognition Reception at Camp Tuckahoe.

The Silver Beaver Award was introduced in 1931 and is a council‐level distinguished service award of the Boy Scouts of America. It is the highest award that a local council can present to one of its volunteers.

It is given for distinguished service to youth through Scouting, as well as an individual’s contributions to their community in other ways. To be selected as a Silver Beaver recipient is a very difficult recognition to achieve and places recipients in a very select company.

A council can annually recognize up to one Scouter per every 50 traditional units in the council. So, when you see someone with a Silver Beaver knot on their uniform or the Silver Beaver medal draped around their neck, you see “the best of the best.”

A brief bio and video about each honoree is available using the links below:

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