Remembering Jack Carr – With Thanks and Appreciation

It is with great sadness that we remember and salute the life and Scouting career of Malcolm “Jack” F. Carr, Jr., 68, who died on Saturday, August 8, after a courageous battle with cancer.

Jack served as Scout Executive of the former Keystone Area Council from 1999-2010 and he was the New Birth of Freedom Council’s first Director of Development from April 2010 until his retirement in April 2011.  Jack also served as Scout Executive of the Katahdin Council in Bangor, ME during his 32-year professional tenure with the BSA.

Back in 2009 and 2010, as the merger discussions between the Keystone Area Council and York-Adams Area Council were taking place, Jack and I spoke and collaborated frequently.  While I had known Jack for about ten years by that point, working with Jack throughout the process that led to the formation of the New Birth of Freedom Council was a great experience in getting to know him better.  What impressed me most about Jack is that he seemed to know everyone in the Keystone Area Council and not just by name – he knew and had a relationship with them.

Jack had a wicked sense of humor, which came in handy at difficult times.  His exuberant personality filled the room during meetings with volunteers and his staff colleagues, and he was almost always a lot of fun to be around.  His vision and dedication to strengthening Scouting in south-central Pennsylvania were instrumental in fueling the decision to create our council.  The impact of his many years of service continues to be felt today as his Scouting legacy.

Jack’s obituary is posted online at

Yours in Scouting,

Ron Gardner
Scout Executive

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