October 2020 Council-Wide Roundtable Follow Up

Thank you to everyone that joined us for the October 2020 Council-wide Roundtable.  We had a great meeting and we hope that all of the participants were able to get a lot of good information on how to KEEP SCOUTING and to do so safely.

We shared that during the presentation we would share both the slide deck and the recording from the meeting.  A list of additional resources is below.

Updated 10/13/2020

October Roundtable Recording

October Roundtable Slidedeck

Recharter Training Recording


  • COVID-19 – current guidelines on COVID-19 for meeting places stand. Recent updates to the governor’s orders on meeting sizes will be added to these guidelines shortly.  Information can be found at this link
  • Roundtables for the remainder of the year will be held virtually. Register for the November 5, 7:00pm Roundtable here.  Register for the December 3, 7:00pm Roundtable here
  • National has announced Advancement changes for Camping Merit Badge, several Scouts BSA ranks, and Cub Scout requirements. All of the current information can be found here
  • Scouts BSA Scouts who need to file an Eagle extension due to COVID-19 can find the steps to do so here.
  • Information about the 2021 Wood Badge course can be found here.
  • Information about the 2020 University of Scouting can be found here.
  • Announcements about the 2020 Eagle Scout Recognition Dinner will be made mid-October. Check newbirthoffreedom.org and our social media channels for additional updates.
  • Make sure you don’t miss any upcoming events by downloading the 2020-21 Council Calendar here.   

Key Scouting Resources

Camping and Halloween Day

  • Wilderness Survival Weekend information here.
  • Philmont 2021 information here.
  • Summer Camp 2021 Information. Scouts BSA information here.  Cub and Webelos information here
  • Halloween Day information here.

Popcorn and Nuts Sale

  • Scout Deliver Option is still available to all units until October 27. Details on Scout Deliver is available here.


  • Make sure your unit holds a recruitment event this fall! You can hold an in-person, virtual, drive-in, or drive-through event!  Check out national resourses here.
  • Join us on Tuesdays for #TweetitTuesday on the New Birth of Freedom Council Twitter Account
  • Join us on Wednesdays for #WearitWednesday on the New Birth of Freedom Council Facebook Account

Scouting for Food

  • Make sure to sign up your unit for this year’s door hangers and read about our guidelines for a safe Scouting for Food drive here.
  • Thank you Giant Foods for being our Scouting for Food Sponsor!

Recharter Training

  • All of the information about the 2021 Recharter Process is available here.
  • Watch the training video from Roundtable here.
  • Check out the National Resources for the Recharter Process available here.

Questions and Answers from Roundtable


Q: Is there any update on the new Eagle required Merit Badge?

A: At this time no.  The National Council is unlikely to make any announcements until sometime in 2021.

Scouting for Food

Q: How will door hangers be distributed for Scouting for Food?

A: Units will be contacted about arranging pick ups once the door hangers have arrived.  Please make sure you sign your unit up for Scouting for Food here

Q: Is Scouting for Food no longer being collected at the Harley Davidson on the Carlisle Pike?

A: We are still planning to use that location. Please watch the Pioneer District newsletter for updates.

Popcorn and Nuts Sale

Q: What is the link for the Scout Deliver information?

A: You can get all of the details at this link.

Q: Since there is a Scout Deliver name under each item, does each item have to be assigned to a Scout?

A: No, each item does not need to be assigned to a Scout.  A customer can just enter one Scout’s name and we will assume it is for all of the products.  A customer may also indicate more than one Scout if they purchase multiple products.

Q: Is the 1% bonus in commission for paying early changed now that the Scout Deliver date is extended?

A: No. The date is still the same because the Scout Deliver payments will be received electronically and the unit does not need to worry about those transactions.  The unit should pay their invoice as normal.  The unit will receive a commission check for any of the Scout Deliver sales.


Q: How do I register for Rangemaster training?

A: Registration is available here.


Q: What is the location for the recharter tutorial and instructions?

A: You can find all of the recharter information here.

Q: Is there any easy way to find out which leaders in a unit need new clearances?

A: Your district executive can get you a list of all of your registered leaders and the current status of their clearances. Anyone who is near expiration gets a notice that reminds them to turn in updated clearances.

Q: How can I print my unit charter certificate?

A: Links for instructions for unit charter certificates and membership cards can be found here.

Q: If a Lion Partner lives in the same household, do they have to complete Youth Protection Training?

A: They do not unless they are also serving in another role that requires them to fill out an adult application.

Q: What positions on the unit committee can multiple with other positions?

A: “With-In” a Unit, only the COR and/or IH can hold one other position. An adult can hold multiple positions but not in a single unit. A Scoutmaster can only be a Scoutmaster, one position one job. Same is true for Assistant Scoutmasters, Cubmasters, Den Leaders, Assistant Den Leaders. The only positions that can be the same person are:

  • IH can also be COR and CC, must pay registration fee
  • COR may dual register as a Member of the Committee
  • Pack Trainers count as a Committee Member
  • New Member Coordinators count as a Committee Member
  • Treasurer is not an official registered position. The Treasurer should be registered as a Committee Member

Q: The position code for Venturing Participant is “VP”. “Is there an equivalent for Sea Scouts or use the same code?

A: Sea Scouts should use the same code.

Q: Have the Journey to Excellence requirements been updated for the COVID updated requirements?

A: Yes.  They are available here.

Q: Have the Journey to Excellence workbooks been updated as well?

A: Yes.  They are available here.

Q: How do you do electronic signatures on the recharter paperwork?

A: At the end of the process, there will be a section to select electronic signatures.  Just follow those instructions.




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