Silver Beaver Award Recipients Honored At Recognition Dinner

The New Birth of Freedom Council’s 2021 Silver Beaver Award recipients. From left, Kevin Stein, Bryan Alpaugh, Donna Baum, Justin Schneider, Fred Gellert, Bruce Apgar, Bill McQuade, Herb Snyder, Jr., Bev Taylor, and Dave Olson. Not pictured, Josh Brown.

The Silver Beaver Award is presented in recognition of noteworthy service of exceptional character to youth by registered Scouters within the territory under the jurisdiction of a local council. The award is the highest that a local council can present and must be approved by the National Court of Honor. 

As part of the Council’s Annual Volunteer Recognition Dinner on Saturday, May 22, the New Birth of Freedom Council proudly honored the following volunteers with the Silver Beaver Award.

Josh Brown could not attend the Recognition Dinner and will be presented with his Silver Beaver Award soon.

Congratulations to our Council’s 2021 Silver Beaver Award Honorees.

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