Camp Cards, COVID-19 and Safety


What about COVID-19 and Safety?

The safety of our Scouts, Scouting families, and Scouting volunteers is paramount!  This year’s sale offers options for both in-person sales and contactless sales so that all Scouts can still safely participate.

As part of the unit plan for the sale, units need to think about what safety measures need to be in place depending on the types of selling your unit decides to utilize.  There are ways to still safely conduct Show and Sells and Door-to-Door sales during the pandemic.  Scouts and units must follow all of the active local and federal COVID-19 mitigation guidelines.  These guidelines do change and are likely to be updated during the course of the sale.  For the most current guidelines and how they impact Scouting programs, please visit:

Some guidelines and best practices for units that plan to have Show and Sell sales and Door-to-Door sales are:

  • Anyone that has been exposed or suspects having been exposed to COVID-19 should not participate until they have confirmed they are not infected with COVID-19
  • Take everyone’s temperature before they arrive at the Show and Sell locations or have families take temperatures before Scouts go door-to-door
  • Everyone needs to wear a face covering
  • No more than 3 Scouts and 2 adults should be at a single selling location
  • Use hand sanitizer regularly, especially after customer transactions
  • Clean surfaces frequently with a disinfectant wipe or hand sanitizer
  • Assign one individual to handle all money transactions and one to handle all the cards
  • Use signs to help inform customers you are fundraising and provide directions for safe interactions between Scouts and customers
  • Do not shake hands with customers and maintain social distance to them
  • Do not have open food or drinks in the area. Do not share drinks, cups, or utensils
  • When possible, avoid engaging with anyone exhibiting symptoms

Scouts or families that are in high-risk categories, regularly interact with others in high-risk categories, or who are still uncomfortable with in-person interactions should consider participating in our contactless sale options/Virtual Camp Card Sale.  We want every Scout to have opportunities to succeed.