Dave Olson will tell you that Scouting is his only hobby.
Dave currently serves as Committee Chair for both Troop 65 and Venture Crew 2010, a unit he helped organize back in 2010.
Dave served as an Assistant Scoutmaster in Troop 65 from 2005 until becoming the troop’s Committee Chair in 2016. In addition to his official role with Venture Crew 2010, Dave stays in frequent contact with Pack 65, where he serves as an “unofficial adviser, guide, trainer and adult leader mentor.”
Since 2010, Dave has served the Keystone Capital District on the Camping Events Planning Crew. He was the District’s Activities Chairman from 2015-19 and has been a District Member at Large since 203. He enjoys volunteering at the District’s Cub Scout Day Camp, and you’ll find him running stations or overseeing spring and fall camporees and Klondike Derbies. For his exceptional service to Scouting, Dave received the District Award of Merit in 2015.
An active promoter of the Order of the Arrow, Dave is a Wood Badge-trained leader, completing the course in 2019.
A friend and colleague of Dave’s said, “Dave IS Scouting. He is an exact model of the character and traits that we strive to live by as a Scout. He provides a shining example for all others to emulate, Scout and adult. (He) has immensely contributed to Scouting throughout the Keystone Capital District, especially in the Hershey area, with 15 years of unconquerable enthusiasm and he volunteers and leads at every Scouting event there is.”
The New Birth of Freedom Council is pleased to present the Silver Beaver Award to David C. Olson.