Fall Camporee

Fall Camporee – Cono

The 2024 Fall Camporee will be held from Friday, October 4 to Sunday, October 6. The event is open for all Scouts BSA Troops to attend. This year’s theme will be a Compass Competition.

The event costs $10 for youth and free for adults. Please make certain to register all Scouts and Adults who are attending the event.

[maxbutton id=”15″ url=”https://nbf.tentaroo.com/admin2/events/5867/31530/2024-Conococheague-District-Fall-Camporee” text=”Register” ]

Please register youth and adults attending the Camporee as this will serve as your unit’s official roster for the event.

[maxbutton id=”15″ url=”https://archive.newbirthoffreedom.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/Compass-Competition-Camporee-2024.pdf” text=”Leaders Guidebook” ]