Each year, the Eagle Scout Recognition Dinner brings together the business community, Scout leaders, and Scouting families to recognize the outstanding accomplishments of that year’s Eagle Scout class. It’s a great evening of celebration for everyone who attends and a source of tremendous pride for the New Birth of Freedom Council.
The 15th Annual Eagle Scout Recognition Dinner at the Hershey Lodge will be on Tuesday, November 26.
This year’s event will recognize 170 Eagle Scouts in the Class of 2024 for their achievement in earning Scouts BSA’s highest award, which only 4% of all Scouts have earned. The event will host 650 prominent business and community leaders celebrating south-central Pennsylvania’s future leadership and their families. This premier event is the largest fundraising event to support local Scouting in the New Birth of Freedom Council.
[maxbutton id=”16″ url=”https://donations.scouting.org/#/council/544/event/559/register?origin=Traditional” text=”REGISTER” ]
Roxanna L. Gapstur, PhD, RN is the 2024 Eagle Scout Dinner Honoree. Roxanna is the President and Chief Executive Officer of WellSpan Health based out of York, PA.
Jeff Lobach and Joe Crosswhite, serve as this year’s Co-Dinner Chairs.
Earning the rank of Eagle Scout is not a journey accomplished alone. Many help support this achievement, especially the Eagle Scouts family and Scoutmaster. For family members of Eagle Scouts in this year’s class, we provide you with a reduced ticket price to cover the cost of the meal to be a part of the celebration. There is no cost to attend for Eagle Scouts and their Scoutmaster, but we ask that you send in your reservation form to account for your meal. All Eagle Scouts in the class should upload their photo and bio to be included in the yearbook. Please find the helpful links below:
[maxbutton id=”8″ url=”https://archive.newbirthoffreedom.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/EagleDinner2023_ScoutInvite_5x7_Web.pdf” text=”EAGLE SCOUT DINNER INVITATION”]
[maxbutton id=”8″ url=”https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeM7tsQBkkMqxtjnEu8A2U9fYfES7XMJ38E3a9rU6Rk46E7SA/viewform” text=”EAGLE SCOUT RESERVATION FORM” ]
[maxbutton id=”8″ url=”https://donations.scouting.org/#/council/544/event/465/register?origin=Traditional” text=”EAGLE SCOUT FAMILY DINNER TICKETS” ]
[maxbutton id=”8″ url=”https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfL4W519NTeRTdvNE3QtW1NbrDM-83zT4DEt9JYDJg0zr0fxA/viewform?usp=sf_link” text=”SCOUTMASTER RESERVATION FORM” ]
[maxbutton id=”8″ url=”https://www.emailmeform.com/builder/form/F7g0Zcj6I0bccsiUV” text=”UPLOAD EAGLE SCOUT BIO & PICTURE” ]
For more information about this event, don’t hesitate to contact Cameron Holman, Fund Development Assistant, at 717-620-4519.