Adventure Camp Policies and Procedures
Camp Security:
- Staff are identified with their Staff T-shirt and nametag lanyard
- Staff must sign in and sign out each day of camp.
- Medics will have safety vests to identify them.
- Participants are identified with their wristbands.
- A Permission form is required if a child is being picked up by or dropped off by someone other than their parents or legal guardians. (This is part of the BSA Medical Form located at the bottom of Part A).
- Participants must sign in and sign out with their assigned staff member each day.
- Visitors must sign in and sign out each day at the Administrative area for the camp and will receive a wristband to wear during their visit.
Release of Campers Policies
- Parents should complete the early release form and submit a copy to the Camp Director if a child will be picked up from camp early at any time during the week.
Late Arrival and Attendance
- Daily attendance is tracked so Cub Scouts who arrive after the opening ceremony should report to the Camp Director to sign in.
- In cases of absences, a Cub Scout’s family will be contacted shortly after the program begins.
Medical Emergencies
- A Health Officer is on-site and should be contacted in cases of medical emergencies.
- The Camp Director or designee needs to also be notified immediately.
- The situation will be assessed by the Health Officer and the best action pursued.
- If any camper needs to be transported to the hospital, the parent or emergency contact will be notified. In life-threatening situations, emergency medical aid will be summoned, and then the parents or emergency contact will be notified.
Tobacco and Alcohol Policy
- All Cub Scout Adventure Camp venues are to be treated as tobacco-free facilities. Smoking, including vapes and e-cigarettes, will only be allowed in designated areas. This area must always be out of sight of the Scouts and away from any buildings. Alcohol is absolutely prohibited.
Refund Policy
- After May 30: $50 per Cub Scout is non-refundable. Deposit payments are transferable to another Scout but cannot be applied to an existing reservation. All requests for refunds must be in writing and must be received by the council service center by Sept. 1st. Refunds may be granted for medical emergencies or a death in the family.
Emergency Procedures
- Most camp activities can be carried out in light rain, especially if the Scouts and adults are dressed appropriately. In some cases, rainy-day activities may be substituted. In the case of heavy rain or thunderstorms, an Air Horn with two blasts will be used, direct your den into the designated inclement weather shelter until it passes. Encourage the youth to stay with their buddy and make sure each scout is accounted for. The Camp Director and Program Director will decide when to resume normal activities.
- Tornado:
- If a tornado watch comes into effect or if a tornado is spotted, proceed with your den to the inclement weather shelter and wait for further instructions. Encourage the youth to stay with their buddy and make sure each scout is accounted for. The camp director and program director will decide when to resume normal activities.
- Fire Plan:
- If a fire has been spotted, the camp director should be notified immediately. An Air Horn with two blasts will be used. Den Walkers are to gather their dens together quickly and head to the inclement weather shelter. If the fire is in the inclement weather shelter, lead your den to the front of the property. Youth should be lined up in the buddy system so that all can be accounted for. Should fire trucks come, continue to keep the youth together in dens in this designated area. The camp director and program director will let everyone know when programs can be resumed.
- Tornado:
- Most camp activities can be carried out in light rain, especially if the Scouts and adults are dressed appropriately. In some cases, rainy-day activities may be substituted. In the case of heavy rain or thunderstorms, an Air Horn with two blasts will be used, direct your den into the designated inclement weather shelter until it passes. Encourage the youth to stay with their buddy and make sure each scout is accounted for. The Camp Director and Program Director will decide when to resume normal activities.
- Lost Youth Plan:
- Once it is determined that a youth is not with their group and is not accounted for, the Den Walker IMMEDIATELY NOTIFIES THE CAMP DIRECTOR. If the director is not available, notify the Program Director. When the lost youth plan goes into effect an Air Horn with three blasts will be used, Den Walkers are to bring their dens to the inclement weather shelter and remain there until notified.