Program Launch 2022 Recap

Thank you to all of the units that joined us for the 2022 Program Launch at Camp Tuckahoe.  The event was a great evening of idea sharing, fellowship, and preparation for the new Scouting Year ahead.  Whether or not you were able to attend Program Launch, below are some of the key items that were discussed as well as some of the resources from the evening.  Please share these with your unit!

Huge THANK YOU to our Panelists, who shared some of their 

Congratulations to the following winners of our BeAScout Pin Drawing:

  • Jodi Snyder – Pack 69 – $20 Scout Shop Gift Card
  • Brian Bramble- Troop 71  and Terri Foust – Pack and Troop 50 – Lincoln Caverns Door Prizes


Program Launch Information Resources

2022-23 Council Calendar

Popcorn and Nuts




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